ATC² Sym­po­sium

Challenges in Tunnelling

Causes - Impacts - Mitigation Measures

About the Symposium

ATC2 stands for Austrian Tunnel Competence Center and represents a platform for innovation and know-how transfer in the field of tunnel construction. In addition to developments in the field of the traditional sequential NATM tunnelling method, continuous tunnelling and special underground construction measures are also dealt with. Special challenges and innovations from deep-lying rock tunnelling to urban (shallow) soft ground tunnelling are taken into account.

A long, cylindrical tunnel is constructed with brick and metal materials. The tunnel is illuminated by natural light filtering through openings at the far end. There is a metal walkway with grated sections running along the center of the tunnel, with railings on the side. A large pipe runs parallel to the walkway, resting on gravel.
A long, cylindrical tunnel is constructed with brick and metal materials. The tunnel is illuminated by natural light filtering through openings at the far end. There is a metal walkway with grated sections running along the center of the tunnel, with railings on the side. A large pipe runs parallel to the walkway, resting on gravel.
A modern tunnel with sleek, futuristic design elements features a curved pathway with overhead linear lighting. The ceiling is composed of parallel lines of lights, creating a dynamic pattern that enhances the perspective depth. There is a long, winding walkway with smooth surfaces, enclosed by a combination of glass and smooth stone or concrete walls. Two figures can be seen in the distance, adding a sense of scale.
A modern tunnel with sleek, futuristic design elements features a curved pathway with overhead linear lighting. The ceiling is composed of parallel lines of lights, creating a dynamic pattern that enhances the perspective depth. There is a long, winding walkway with smooth surfaces, enclosed by a combination of glass and smooth stone or concrete walls. Two figures can be seen in the distance, adding a sense of scale.


Auf dem Bild ist der Neubau der Montanuniversität Leoben zu sehen. Menschen benutzen den Gehweg.
Auf dem Bild ist der Neubau der Montanuniversität Leoben zu sehen. Menschen benutzen den Gehweg.

Thursday, 13.11. 2025

9 AM - 5 PM


Coming soon ...

Excursion to the

Brenner Basistunnel

Date and place

Wednesday, 12.11. 2025

8 AM - 5 PM

Meeting point at 8 AM,

Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof

Montanuniversität Leoben

Franz-Josef-Straße 18

8700 Leoben

Information and arrival

Participation in the excursion is only possible with a registration for the ATC² Symposium 2025.

Limited seats available!

Participation fee: €80,00

Excursion to the

Zentrum am Berg

Information and arrival

Participation in the excursion is only possible with a registration for the ATC² Symposium 2025.

Limited seats available!

Participation fee: €50,00

Date and place

Friday, 14.11. 2025

8 AM - 1 PM

Meeting point at 8 AM,

Franz-Josef-Straße 18

(Entrance Hauptgebäude



Call for Abstracts

Are you interested in submitting and presenting your work?

Submissions will be accepted until 28.02.2025.

Entry fees (exkl. excursion)

Application deadline: 31.10.2025

Early Bird / until 30.09.25 €240,00

Regular / as of 01.10.25 €295,00

Student Early Bird €49,00

Student Regular €65,00

Participation fees excursions

Brenner Basistunnel €80,00

Zentrum am Berg €50,00

Any questions?

A long tunnel with two lanes and modern lighting, presenting a sense of motion blur. A car can be seen driving in the right lane, heading towards the distant vanishing point in the tunnel. The walls are uniformly light-colored with dark ceiling and bright, linear lights running along the central line above.
A long tunnel with two lanes and modern lighting, presenting a sense of motion blur. A car can be seen driving in the right lane, heading towards the distant vanishing point in the tunnel. The walls are uniformly light-colored with dark ceiling and bright, linear lights running along the central line above.

Our team will gladly answer your questions!